The Mineral Boost Bolus contains specifically selected minerals and trace elements for highly productive dairy cattle, grazing dairy cattle and young cattle.
Contains high proportions of zinc, manganese, copper, iodine, cobalt, selenium and Vit A, D3 and E.
Benefits of dairy cattle
- Dissolves in 90 days so that sufficient minerals for insemination are introduced when administered before dry period
- Improves the health and immunity of calves
- Provides better colostrum quality
- Reduces the risk of "remaining after birth".
- Reduces the risk of health risks
- Good start to reproduction
- Benefits young cattle
- Improves overall health and growth
- Good start to reproduction
- Reduced risk of shortages of elements during the pasture
Dairy cows: Enter 2 boluses at the start of the dry period with a suitable applicator.
Pinkies: Enter 1 bolus 6 - 8 weeks before calving.
Grazing young cattle from 150 kg: enter 1 bolus before / during grazing.
8 boluses per box, 110 grams per bolus